Family Goals Jar

Let’s face it - when families are confined into tight spaces, tensions rise as people start to rub each other the wrong way. It’s bound to happen at one point or another. How can your family turn this social distancing situation around and into something that can make your family even stronger? 

Did you know that when routines are disrupted it is a good time (psychologically speaking) to develop new habits? Because we tend to fall into the usual routine, disrupted routines clear our mind to create new (and sometimes healthier) routines. 

  1. Set expectations: Help your kids understand what is going on at a level they can understand. Talk to them about how schedules are going to change and how it’s important to be flexible to the situation. For some family members, it might be important that they have some alone time each day. It can be easy for attitudes to become negative. Discuss how as a family you can help each other stay positive. 

  2. Create goals: Use this opportunity to work together toward a common goal. An easy way to do this is by creating a Family Goals Jar. 

    • Pick a Grand Prize (aka the Goal)  Think about something fun your family can do together as a prize. While you’re social distancing it could be having a slumber party in the living room, downloading a new movie, making something fun/ creative, purchasing a new MVP Kids book. After the social distancing is lifted, it could be going out for ice cream, visiting your favorite amusement park, going to a movie, etc. 

    • How to fill the Jar. In order to reach the goal, you need to fill the jar as a family unit. When members in your family are kind or practice your character trait of the day, write it on a piece of paper, fold it, put it in the jar. Discuss as a family different ways they can help fill the jar and encourage one another to be kind. When you finally reach your goal, you can remember all the different ways you were kind to each other. 

    • Use the jar regularly. Try displaying the jar in a common room so family members are reminded of it often. Take time out of your day to recognize how family members have been kind to each other. This will help inspire and encourage more acts of kindness in the future. 

    • Addressing negativity. Calm and open dialogue about how family members are feeling is very important during times like these. Oftentimes, challenging behaviors stem from unresolved emotions. Taking time to openly talk about what family members are feeling and how to properly manage those emotions will help everyone. Never remove pom-poms from the jar for challenging behaviors. Only use the jar for positive reinforcement. 

  3. Celebrate! Once the social distancing has been lifted, go out and celebrate as a family! Reflect on how this time has challenged and changed your family to be stronger.